Benchmarks: Quake Champions, Prey, Front line II, Warframe, WoTanks, Wreckfest

Quake Champions isn't exactly a demanding form of address simply those serious most acting it are a bit like those CSGO nutcase jobs, they require hundred of frames per indorse. I'm of course joking about the nutty part, input put behind bars is a thing and Tim explained it really swell in an article non so long since. Anyway if just shy of 200 fps happening average isn't cutting it for you at 1440p, then mayhap the 2080 Te pushing over 220 fps bequeath suffice, the 185 fps 1% low result surely is impressive.

Course if you plan on playing at 4K so the 2080 Ti does prove more useful as it was the only GPU capable of keeping frame rates in a higher place 100 fps at all times. That aforesaid IT was also less than 30% faster than the GTX 1080 Ti, soh still a beautiful touch deal out then. Then course the 2080 only matched the 1070 Ti.

Prey has always been a cured optimized title of respect so ambitious terminated 100 fps with the game maxed out at 1440p was never an issue for the GTX 1080 Cordyline terminalis. The 2080 Atomic number 2 did push the average frame rate 27% higher just I suspect we're starting to suit CPU circumscribed as the frame time performance wasn't greatly landscaped.

Accretionary the solving to 4K rattling helps the 2080 Ti pull ahead and now IT's almost 40% faster than the 1080 Ti and the experience is observably bettor for those with high freshen up rate monitors. The 2080 is once more kind of in no man's land, it's unable to better the 1080 Ti, so it's difficult to sympathise the manoeuvre of this production.

Side by side connected our benchmark inclination we have Star Wars Battlefront II and Here the 2080 just managed to outpace the 1080 Ti when sounding at the average frame rate. Despite that the 2080 Ti was still just 27% faster than the 1080 Ti.

The margin does greatly ameliorate at 4K and you can see why Nvidia deal picked this title to showcase the GeForce RTX series functioning in their review guide, at the 4K resolution. Equal the 2080 is understandably quicker than the 1080 Ti in this title, albeit by a 7% margin. Nevertheless it's the 41% performance jumper cable enjoyed past the 2080 Ti terminated the 1080 Si that caught our aid, playing Battlefront Deuce at 4K exploitation the ultra quality settings and never seeing frame rates set down below 60 FPS is something to behold, man did IT look angelical.

This is another reader requested benchmark, for a while now I've been getting constant requests to benchmark Warframe and I accept once or twice in the past but where I was testing wasn't very challenging. Manifestly you cause to play for quite a a few hours, many hours actually to orbit the Ceetus, this is meant to be demanding section of the game and where I was told to test.

American Samoa you bottom see at 1440p the 2080 is 30% quicker than the 1080 and the 2080 Ti, just 15% faster than the 1080 Si, so let's check up on the 4K numbers.

We see a minute more separation at the 4K resolution but even so the 2080 Ti is just 23% faster than the 1080 Ti while the 2080 was 31% faster than the 1080. Not especially cracking results for these brand-new GeForce RTX graphics card game and I admiration if we'll see further driver developing improve performance in this title, though I doubt IT will be a pore for Nvidia.

Wraith Recon: Wildlands provides us with extraordinary rare results, the 2080 managed to beat the 1080 Ti by double digit numbers Here, just, it was 10% faster happening average. Meanwhile the 2080 Ti was righteous 16% faster than the 2080, and so not a great result for the Turing flagship GPU.

Interestingly the move to 4K squashed the 2080's lead all over the 1080 Ti, and instantly they're basically delivering the unvaried performance. The 2080 Ti was able to extend it's lead, though only out to 24% which was quite disappointing, disdain the fact that gameplay was noticeably better.

As we near the end of this mega benchmark session we have World of Tanks, some other lightweight title that's always heavily requested. I'm not fated if you need o'er 180 fps on average to maximize your skillz in World of Tanks, but if you do please let me know. In any case the 1080 Ti cutting the 2080 out while the 2080 Titanium was fitting 22% faster on average.

That margin was extended to 25% at 4K and this did allow the 2080 Si to average well all over 100 fps which is quite impressive. Meanwhile the 1080 Ti again edged out the 2080.

Here we find another rare example where the 2080 pulls point of the 1080 Ti, as a matter of fact it kind of trashes it in Rainbow Six Siege, providing 15% many public presentation at 1440p. This meant that the 2080 Ti was also 39% quicker than the 1080 Ti, so an impressive result at 1440p.

That margin is blown out to an incredible 51% margin at 4K as the 2080 Atomic number 2 rendered 145 fps on average, a truly astonishing result. The 2080 too decimated the 1080 past a 52% leeway, if we saw many of this then you'd have a much easier time justify the prices of these new RTX cards.

And we're going to wrap the testing up with Wreckfest. For a few months Pascal kind of sucked in that title, earlier Nvidia eventually corrected that with updated drivers. It looks like we might see a similar position with Turing as information technology's not just the 1440p results that are massively underwhelmingly, though avowedly we do appear to be running into a system of rules constriction.

At 4K we see basically the same execution KO'd of the 2080 Titanium when compared to the 1440p results just seen. That being the incase IT's non 26% faster than the 2080, but only 13% faster than the 1080 Atomic number 2, and then some optimization make for to atomic number 4 done here so. The 2080 also lone matched the 1080 soh that's also a dissatisfactory result.